Why I Switched from GoDaddy to Dreamhost

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When a host isn’t considerate of his/her guest, the guest may start to look elsewhere. I started using Godaddy for my website back in 2014. They were the perfect one-stop shop for my domain, DNS registration, hosting...everything I could ever hope to need to keep my website up and running. In fact, this is my first-ever GoDaddy bill for our site (in UAE dirhams, because I was living in Dubai at the time): My total…

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Why Did You Break Up? Chat with Khaled about Marriage and Divorce in Saudi Arabia ليش انفصلتوا؟

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https://youtu.be/Bvt05eZAwTU Ana Luisa Holiday Campaign + My Interview with Khaled! First -- for those of you watching the video, you'll see the promo I did for Ana Luisa jewelry's holiday 2020 campaign -- thank you AL NY! Love my new bling. Remember to check them out here:https://www.analuisa.com/shannonch Here are some timestamps to help you navigate: 03:18 - Background on marriages in KSA06:17 - Pre-proposal07:08 - نظرة شرعية - "first meeting"08:40 - After the first meeting10:36…

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Pranked my Nephew: Halloween in Houston

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https://youtu.be/fZNszgtIE68 Halloween in Houston 2020 was not what I expected... It was much better! First -- for those of you watching the video, you'll see the promo I did for Ana Luisa jewelry Black Friday -- thank you AL NY! Love my new bling. Remember to check them out via the link in the Description box on Youtube: https://youtu.be/fZNszgtIE68 Here are some timestamps to help you navigate: 2:08 - meet Daniel F.  2:25 - Covid test…

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What Hollywood gets WRONG about Arabs, The Middle East, and Arabic

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https://youtu.be/tHy_9MZHpQ8 I had no intention of making a video about this topic until 20 minutes before I started filming... No really. I'm serious. There I was, in front of the mirror finishing up my makeup, thinking "today I'll film my Q&A about relationships" -- backstory: there's a list of 12 questions that I had written for future guests about their thoughts on various aspects of dating/relationships...I was going to answer them for you this week,…

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First Time in Lake Tahoe: Hiking Mt. Tallac

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https://youtu.be/5JblnzinSwQ My first trip to Lake Tahoe happened in mid-September, the same time as the fires in the Bay area (then again, I'm struggling to remember a summer/fall without fires in California...)! I was fortunate to have the opportunity to leave LA for a few days and stay in a house in South Lake Tahoe. That said, NO I didn't skip school (it's actually hard for me to do that, as a nerd) -- I am taking…

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Ivy League to Community College: Back to School with Shannon

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https://youtu.be/aeY14PXdVv8 Hello and happy fall semester!  After graduating from Wharton in 2010, I never thought that I would go back to school. Honestly, I figured that anything I needed to know I could just 'google' and 'youtube.'  But less than 18 months after graduation, I was already back in class. It wasn't a formal "college" where you work toward a degree; they were Arabic classes at Eton Institute in Dubai. I was buying books (Al…

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