Guitars 101: Stratocaster, Telecaster, Martin, Taylor…and more!
My chat with a local enthusiast about his collection, and tips for beginners.
My chat with a local enthusiast about his collection, and tips for beginners. Hello everybody, I recently had my first microneedling with PRP treatment, a.k.a. "vampire facial."Why did I do it? Mainly out of curiosity. I had tried microneedling before, but never with my own blood. It sounded pretty cool. I was psyched that they allowed me to film the whole process, so please enjoy! If you can't watch just now, here's the gist of it: First, they put numbing cream on my face. While I was waiting for it to… Hey everybody! I recently had the opportunity to visit Houston for the first time. I met some cool people and got to ask a few of them about what they love about their city--and also about what they don't love so much. Enjoy the video! And please remember to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE here: I had a BLAST hanging out with Angie. As you'll see in the video, she is one of the most fun, down-to-earth people you could imagine. When we finally sat down to catch up, I didn't have a list of questions prepared. I thought maybe we'd talk about the real estate market, or the the insurance biz in LA...or things related to quarantine life. But then the camera started rolling and things just kind… Hey everyone! Today's vid comes a day earlier than usual...but this week is special because it's the week before my I wanted to give you two videos. One today, one tomorrow. Enjoy! I just got back from my first trip to Houston! I was there for Memorial Day weekend. As many of you know, LA is currently under a "safer at home" order. Texas is not. As one can imagine, I was… In February I got my first GoPro. It's a Hero 7. I filmed the unboxing before my trip to Cuba. As you can see in the video, I was surprised by how small it really is. The videos I'd seen of it always seemed to make it look bigger(!) The size was a bit of a surprise, but once I got over that I started watching a ton of Youtube video tutorials on how to use… everybody! A few videos ago I talked about common mistakes I see in English writing.Here is one of them: is a second one: The thing is, some people see these videos and say "I could care less about my writing, as long as people get what I mean."Let's stop right there.You could care less? Don't you mean "I couldn't care less?"Because if you could care less, it means that you do least a little bit. Because… was recently talking with a friend about the upcoming FIFA World Cup in 2022 which will take place in Doha, Qatar. My friend expressed a sense of awe at my pronunciation of Qatar ("ooh that sounds so fancy!") -- well, the Arabic name does sound a bit..authentic...but that's because it's an Arabic word to begin with. After that conversation, I thought it would be a great topic to delve into for this week's video. I think… Hey everybody! A few weeks ago I talked about my life in Dubai, and common misconceptions about what life is really like there (here is the link: That video is really the tip of the iceberg, because there's SO much more to talk about when it comes to living abroad in Dubai. Case in point: Ramadan! As some of you may know, the holy month of Ramadan started last Thursday evening, April 23rd. Life in Dubai… Hey everybody! I recently re-watched the Arabic tattoo video I did about 3 years ago (if you haven't seen it, here it is: One of the first things I noticed is how much quieter my voice is compared to the videos I do now. Sorry about that-- had a very sensitive neighbor who would bang on the shared wall if I was being too loud, so had to muffle things a bit. Anyway, I re-watched the video and…