Check out our new book intro video!

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Hello! Check out our new video above! And remember, you can order our books here: If you need shipping to Saudi Arabia, you can order our books from Jarir of Anaheim! Here are the links: For the textbook -- For the workbook:

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App update is out!

What's New? We've added over 300 words/phrases, with sound and examples for each (for a total of 1620 words/phrases!) Update includes an app makeover (check out our new custom art!), option for English main menu, and a "Notes" section where you can add/save your own notes inside the app.   Last but not least: a few bug fixes. أضفنا أكثر من ٣٠٠ كلمة و عبارة، مع الصوت ومثال لكل عبارة وكلمة (يحتوي التطبيق حالياً على…

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RBF – or BRF…Bitch Resting Face

So...I laughed when I got this question! I had heard of something called "BRF" a few years ago, but most people say "RBF"? Go figure. I spoke about it on Snapchat yesterday -- basically, it means...well, I'll let Huff Post tell you: "Resting Bitch Face, or RBF for short, is an increasingly rife cultural advent describing a facial expression, or lack thereof, conveying a particular mix of irritation, judgment, or boredom." Yes, I've had experiences where…

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Your 5 Most-Requested Translations for Arabic Tattoos

Please note that we now have a tattoo translation service available for a minimal fee.  Link here: posted a Youtube video a few months ago on general advice for Arabic tattoos.  I was happy to see many responses from people regarding their own ideas for Arabic tattoos, and replying to your comments has been both fun and gratifying.   the comments read (below, in Arabic): "The Westerners get so many dumb tattoos"Well, I'm not sure I…

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MUST Watch before getting an Arabic tattoo

As a translator, I get a lot of inquiries regarding tattoos in Arabic.  I've seen some great stuff and I've seen some...let's just say "not so great" stuff. For those of you new to the language, here is a bit of introduction.  In the below video, I address basics of Arabic script and a few common misconceptions. Hope it helps! Love, Shannon

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