"You can't learn a language without making mistakes."
I recently had the opportunity to interview Melanie Magidow, the translator for “The Tale of Princess Fatima, Warrior Woman.” It was just released on August 3rd — check it out here:
As you’ll see in the interview, I actually didn’t know about the book until I interviewed Dr. Magidow a couple of weeks ago. I had originally reached out on LinkedIn to see if she could talk to us about her journey learning Arabic as a student at Emory, NYU and UT Austin and also impart some advice for prospective Arabic students.
I was excited to hear about her translation of The Tale of Princess Fatima and couldn’t wait to order my own copy. In today’s conversation, we talk about Dr. Magidow’s background and studies, Arabic literature, and tips for language learners.
What do you think? Do you have a favorite character in Arabic literature?
Leave a comment below.
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