Note: "duplicitously" and "Instagrammably" are words created by yours truly, solely for the reader's pleasure.
Hello everyone!
Welcome to this week’s video — and to a new year! Here’s to starting off 2021 with the best smoothie ever. Because I often post my smoothie photos to my Instagram story, I sometimes receive messages requesting the recipe.
I had been wanting to do this vid for ages but my teeny apartment in LA was not friendly to the idea. Now that I’m settling in to Houston, your smoothie video was at the top of my list. Hope you enjoy it!
Here are some timestamps to help you navigate:
00:23 – my blender
00:41 – bananas
2:39 – soy creamer/milk
3:07 – matcha powder
3:38 – chia seeds
4:05 – collagen powder
4:40 – organic lab veg powders
6:08 – soymilk
6:30- ice cubes
6:51 – water
7:15 – Houston, so far
8:30 – blending
8:47 – the holy grail
9:33 – final comments
Let me know your thoughts! As always, please LIKE and SUB <3

you r so cute. nice video. looks good. will try this!xo